An ATV club is only as good as it's membership. We're fortunate to have a great group of ATV enthusiasts in our midst and we'd love to add you to our membership roster.
Membership in the Rapids Riders ATV Club is just $12/year for individuals and families alike. While your membership dollars are always helpful the real asset is adding you to our growing group of friends. We enjoy new friends and guests on our club rides and outings. During our monthly meetings we discuss everything and anything ATV related.
In addition to the Rapids Riders ATV Club Membership, you can also join All Terrain Vehicle Association of Minnesota (ATVAM) which is $20/year or $38/2 years. For more information about ATVAM click HERE.
Monthly Meetings
We'd like to extend an invitation for you and your family to join us as a members of the Rapids Riders ATV Club. Our meetings are held at 6pm on the 2nd Tuesday of every month. We meet at Drift Skippers 33455 Wagon Wheel Court Rd., Grand Rapids, MN 55744
It's simple to join:
- Attend one of our meetings
- Join us on a Club Ride (always free to interested riders)
- Download the Membership Application HERE
- Click here to Join Online
Interested in offering your talents?
Our members have a vast array of talents and specialties but we're always looking for more help. If you're willing to get involved and have the time to volunteer, we're interested in your time and talents. Please let us know through the 'Contact Us' page of our website.